South Dakota’s Unwavering Republican Streak in Presidential Elections

South Dakota, a sparsely populated state in the Great Plains, has consistently demonstrated its strong Republican leanings in presidential elections. As we look at the recent elections, a clear pattern emerges that underscores the state's political landscape.

The 2016 Presidential Election

South Dakota, which had consistently voted for the Republican ticket since 1968, continued its tradition. Donald Trump won the state with a substantial 61.5% of the vote, while Hillary Clinton garnered 31.7%. This 29.8% margin of victory was the largest for a candidate of either party since Dwight D. Eisenhower's 38.5% margin in 1952. Additionally, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson made a notable impact, receiving 5.63% of the vote, making South Dakota his fifth strongest state in that election.

The 2020 Presidential Election

Donald Trump carried South Dakota with 61.8% of the vote compared to Joe Biden's 35.6%, a margin of 26.2%. While Biden performed four points better than Hillary Clinton did in 2016, South Dakota remained a reliable red state. All major news organizations had predicted this outcome, considering it a safe bet for Trump. Interestingly, this election was also the best for Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen, who secured 2.63% of the vote in the state.

Looking Ahead to the 2024 Presidential Election

As the 2024 United States presidential election approaches, scheduled for November 5, 2024, South Dakota's political climate remains unchanged. The state will again choose electors for the Electoral College, with its three electoral votes. Despite the reapportionment following the 2020 census, South Dakota neither gained nor lost any seats.

Historically, South Dakota has been a Republican stronghold, especially at the presidential level. The last time a Democratic presidential candidate carried the state was in 1964 when Lyndon B. Johnson won during his nationwide landslide victory. Even in 1972, South Dakota's own George McGovern lost his home state by a margin of 8.6%.

Given this historical context, South Dakota is widely expected to back Donald Trump again in the upcoming 2024 election, continuing its long-standing tradition of voting Republican.

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